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Revision And Tenses

23           45           74              89           100           103        112        213    301      450     519      666

724       886         953          1000         1007           1540     1734      1118               2900              3299

4290      5000         6112        7800       5289          9100      6539      2370             9999

W H I T E        B L U E            P I N K           O R A N G E        P U R P  L E           G R E Y

B R O W  N                G R E  E   N           R E D          B L A C K              Y E L L O W

MONDAY          TUESDAY          WEDNESDAY        THURSDAY          FRIDAY       SUNDAY

JANUARY            FEBRUARY        MARCH         APRIL         MAY        JUNE        JULY

AUGUST           SEPTEMBER         OCTOBER            NOVEMBER             DECEMBER

Lunes 1 de febrero          miércoles 12 de abril         domingo 4 de marzo          martes 2 de enero

jueves 3 de diciembre    viernes 18 de mayo           sábado 21 de julio            jueves 25 de agosto 

martes 20 de junio          miércoles 31 de octubre    lunes 22 de septiembre   sábado 23 de noviembre

viernes 15 de enero         domingo17 de marzo




2:00            8:00                      9:30                10:30                 3:15             5:20         6:25             7:15

9:45           11:40                     12:05              11:10            8:55          5:50           5:40          3:35

4:45     7:05              6:55      11:50          2:15             9:55            10:45          8:40          4:20


1. Mi padre es bajo y delgado.
A My father is short and thin.
N My father isn't short or thin.
I Is my/ your father short and thin? Yes, he is/ No, he isn't

2. Mi hermana es alta y morena.
A My sister is tall and dark.
N My sister isn't tall or dark.
I Is my/your sister tall and dark? Yes, she is/ No, she isn't

3. Mis padres son de Francia.
A My parents are from France.
N My parents aren't from France.
I Are your parents from France? Yes, they are/ No, they aren't

4. Mi primo está en casa.
A My cousin is at home.
N My cousin isn't at home.
I Is my/ your cousin at home? Yes, he/she is/ No, he/she isn't

5. Mi amigo tiene 38 años.
A My friend is thirty eight years old.
N My friend isn't 38 years old.
I Is my/your friend 38 years old? Yes, he/she is/ No, he/she isn't

6. Yo tengo un coche grande.
A I have got a big car.
N I haven't got a big car.
I Have you got a big car? Yes, I have/ No, I haven't

7. Él tiene el pelo corto y los ojos verdes.
A He has got short hair and green eyes.
N He hasn't got short hair or green eyes.
I Has he got short hair and green eyes? Yes, he has/ No, he hasn't

8. Mi hermano tiene el pelo largo y rubio.
A My brother has got long blond hair.
N My brother hasn't got long blond hair.
I Has your brother got long blond hair? Yes, he has/ No, he hasn't

9. Me gusta el pollo y la carne.
A I like chicken and meat
N I don't like chicken or meat
I Do you like chicken and meat? Yes, I do/ No, I don't

10. A ella le gusta la fruta y la verdura.
A She likes fruit and vegetables
N She doesn't like fruit or vegetables
I Does she like fruit and vegetables? Yes, she does/ No, she doesn't

11. A ellos les gusta el vino tinto y la cerveza.
A They like red wine and beer
N They don't like red wine or beer
I Do they like red wine and beer? Yes, they do/ No, they don't

12. Yo voy al cine los sábados por la noche.
A I go to the cinema on Saturday nights
N I don't go to the cinema on Saturday nights
I Do you go to the cinema on Saturday nights? Yes, I do/ No, I don't

13. Ella come huevos una vez a la semana.
A She eats eggs once a week
N She doesn't eat eggs once a week
I Does she eat eggs once a week? Yes, she does/ No, she doesn't

14. Mi tía cena a las 8:35.
A My aunt has dinner at twenty five to nine
N My aunt doesn't have dinner at twenty five to nine
I Does your aunt have dinner at twenty five to nine? Yes, she does/ No, she doesn't

15. Mi madre ve la tele todos los días.
A My mother watches TV every day
N My mother doesn't watch TV every day
I Does your mother watch TV every day? Yes, she does/ No, she doesn't

16.Yo estoy trabajando en este momento.
A I am working at the moment
N I´m not working at the moment
I Are you working at the moment? Yes, I am/ No, I´m not

17.El hermano de Tom está desayunando en una cafetería ahora.
A Tom´s brother is having breakfast in/at a café now
N Tom´s brother isn't having breakfast in a café now
I Is Tom´s brother having breakfast in a café now? Yes, he is/ No, he isn't

18. Yo voy al cine mañana.
A I am going to the cinema tomorrow
N I´m not going to the cinema tomorrow
1. I Are you going to the cinema tomorrow? Yes, I am/ No, I´m not

19. Ella estuvo en Londres el año pasado.
A She was in London last year
N She wasn't in London last year
I Was she in London last year? Yes, she was/ No, she wasn't

20. Mi padre nació en 1958.
A My father was born in 1958
N My father wasn't born in 1958
I Was your father born in 1958? Yes, he was/ No ,he wasn't

21. Sarah jugó al baloncesto el viernes pasado.
A Sarah played basketball last Friday
N Sarah didn't play basketball last Friday
I Did Sarah play basketball last Friday? Yes, she did/ No, she didn't

22. Mis abuelos vieron la tele ayer.
A My grandparents watched TV yesterday
N My grandparents didn't watch TV yesterday
I Did your grandparents watch TV yesterday? Yes, they did/ No, they didn't

23. El amigo de mi padre compró una casa hace dos años.
A My father´s friend bought a house two years ago.
N My father´s friend didn't buy a house two years ago
I Did your father´s friend buy a house two years ago? Yes, he did/ No, he didn't

24. Mis padres fueron a Alemania de vacaciones.
A My parents went to Germany on holiday/ on vacation
N My parents didn't go to Germany on holiday
I Did your parents go to Germany on holiday? Yes, they did/ No, they didn't

25. Yo cené con mis amigos la noche pasada.
A I had dinner with my friends last night
N I didn't have dinner with my friends last night
I Did you have dinner with your friends last night? Yes, I did/ No, I didn't


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Easter is the most important festivity of the year for Christians.  On Easter Day Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Easter Day is on the first Sunday after the full moon in March.  This day is between 22 March and 25 April. For Christians the week before Easter is Holy Week. On Holy Thursday Christians remember the last meal Jesus had with his Disciples. On Good Friday Christians believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross.  On Easter Day they believe that Jesus Christ came back to life and went to heaven. Many Christian families go to church on Easter Day in the morning.  There are also non-religious Easter traditions. One of these is wearing new clothes or new shoes. In America there are Easter Bonnet parades. Girls and women make their own original Easter bonnets and march in a parade. The famous Easter Bonnet Parade on Fifth Avenue in New York City is a tradition from the middle of the nineteenth century. Thousands of ...


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Answer the questions

1.- What are you doing now?   I am studying English now 2.- Where is your friend from? My friend is from ... 3.- How do you spell your favourite food?         PAELLA              rice 4.- What are you going to do this weekend?         I am going to work on my farm this weekend.         I am going on holiday         I am going to dress up as a clown/ as a policeman/ as a princess/ a pirate/ a woman/ spiderman/          chef /  a nurse 5.- Do you like meeting new people?    Yes, I like meeting new people.    Yes, I do/ No, I don’t 6.- Do you go shopping on Saturdays?  No, I don’t. I go to the cinema 7.- What will you do if you learn English?     If I learn English, I will go to London 8.- Is there a castle in your town?  No, there isn’t / Yes, there is 9.- What do y...